When you are using multi-version of Xilinx hardware servers on a computer, you may find out some conflicts:


1. port conflict

The default port for the Xilinx hardware server is 3121. If two versions of hardware server working on a computer, the ports have to be different


In this case, you can use -stcp::<port> argument to change the port number

hw_server.bat -S -stcp::3122


2. XVC(Xilinx Virtual Cable) conflict

If one hardware server is working for a device, then the other hardware server doesn't work for another device. It is because the first one uses two devices even if one of them is not necessary. 


Therefore you need to map the server and device.


For this, the cable id is needed. you can use -e "set jtag-port-filter <cable_id>" argument to filter specific cable

hw_server.bat -e "set jtag-port-filter Xilinx/TUL/1234-tulA"



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